Water and infrastructure
Water, as an indispensable source, essentially determines our life and the economy. Water is more clearly becoming a global challenge. Ground water, streams, rivers, lakes and seas are areas of our living environment that are used worldwide and to be protected. Through its work, IFES promotes water protection and thus the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive. The support of communes, administrative districts and government offices in third countries and states with EU entry status when introducing or expanding water protection policy according to the Water Framework Directive is self-evident for us.
„Water is not a usual commodity but an inherited commodity that has to be protected, defended and accordingly treated… it is necessary to develop an integrated water policy in the community.“ (Excerpt from the recitals of the European Water Framework Directive) |
Constructive water engineering
Our range of services covers the preparation of studies and analyses, project management, planning, invitation to tender and construction management as well as financial advising and training and further training measures for our contractors’ personnel for the following fields:
- Reinforced concrete and hydraulic steel construction
- Weirs and dam constructions
- Flood control reservoirs
- River works development
- Water drawing and pumping stations
- Water-power plants
Hydrology and water management
Our range of services covers the preparation of studies and analyses, project management, planning, invitation to tender and construction management as well as financial advising and training and further training measures for our contractors’ personnel for the following fields:
- Hydrological river catchment models
- Ground water models
- Hydraulic drainage models
- Coupled ground water- flowing water models
- 2D current calculation
- 2D / 3D cooling water preparation calculation
- Storage stimulation models
- Solid matter transport and emission propagation
Communal civil engineering
Our range of services covers the preparation of studies and analyses, project management, planning, invitation to tender and construction management as well as financial advising and training and further training measures for our contractors’ personnel for the following fields:
- Sewage network and pipeline network models
- Sewage water disposal and rainwater treatment
- Sewage water treatment
- Sewage treatment plants
- Water supply plants
- Construction or roadways and footways
- Environmental technology
- Tachymetric site surveys/portfolio survey
- Creation of digital site models
- Recording of cross sections, quantity survey
- Surveys to create service register (sewage, water, gas, etc.)
- Pegging out of main axes etc.
Water management
Near to nature water bodies are defined as dynamic, independently changing living environments. This claim usually represents a contradiction to man’s desired use of water.
With the help of innovative river construction concepts, the creation of the best possible synergies can be achieved. Water management is required in the creation of projects that safeguard the natural dynamics in the diversity of streaming, the transport of sediment, river bank erosions or the development of floodplain areas and to involve constructive measures from flood prevention or energy management as well as possible. |
Support structure planning
- Structural engineering
- Civil engineering
- Special civil engineering
- Water engineering
- Civil engineering works
- Redevelopment
- Ground and rock-mechanical building ground investigations
- Excavation protection
- Grounding and embankment construction
- Redevelopment of tendency slips
- Tunnel and gallery construction
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